Being the eldest sister in the family I enjoyed the perks of being the first child, the attention, the pampering, everything added up to me being a dominating bossy girl. Who knew this was soon to change!
I had just started my post graduation. I enjoyed plans with friends, the never ending movie scenes, in all being a carefree girl with no plans to get married for at least next 2-3 years. But as they say, no body knows what destiny holds for you, held true in my case as well. I got married and that too in a different city.
Let me be very honest here! I had an idea of marriage to the extent that is shown in the shit serials on Indian television (yes, I know I was the biggest fool 🙁 ). So when reality hit, it was really hard to say the least.
With almost no cooking skills, late sleeping and late morning habits, eating junk food all the time, liking myself more than anyone else and all that backed by my stupid expectations of a perfect life, I entered my new home. People say that the first year of marriage is the most beautiful of all……but alas! The bubble got burst soon and it was nothing short of a nightmare for me. From struggling into the kitchen, to making efforts to make my in-laws happy, to terrible fights with my husband, I’ve seen it all in the very first year. Ironically, Ignoring the fact that I’m blessed with the coolest mom-in-law ever, a mature supportive husband and an amazing family.
Next came my first step to motherhood, my beautiful pregnancy period (minus some of the amazing symptoms of course! 😛 ). Unlike most of the people i cribbed about my pregnancy news too. 🙁 Oh why so early? No freedom, no romance……..but to my surprise, I enjoyed each and every day of everyone making me feel special and making every effort to fulfill my cravings. After a very short labor and easy normal delivery,a beautiful little doll entered our life.
They say a mother is also born with a child, now I know why. I can do anything just to see her smile.I never knew I could be this loving and compassionate. Now I know the value of everyone and everything in my life. How thankless was I for all that came so easy to me.I get a flashback of my mother and my mother in law, they did things for me which i now do for my daughter. I just never realized a bit of it! And today when I turn back to see the things, i couldn’t thank my husband enough who has been a target of all my frustrations.
Today I make a promise to myself to never take anything for granted and love all my beloved ones with all my heart. My journey of motherhood has made me a better individual who can look beyond imperfections, appreciate the little things in life and let go of what is beyond her control.
I have learnt “A positive frame of mind can work wonders in your life, improve your relationship with your loved ones and most importantly yourself.” 🙂