Importance of Quality Daddy Time for Toddlers

Parenting is not at all easy and it becomes all the more tough if a mother has to handle the child alone. Though a lot many fathers today acknowledge their duty towards their child but still there are many who live with the age old theory that child raising is primarily the task of the women and stay away from the regular chores of raising their kids. However, the fact is far from what is thought to be correct. You won’t believe but even in this 21st century too you will come across some parents who nurture the thought that a daughter needs her mother only and the role of a father in her life is limited to that of a financer/facilitator only. This is high time to put an end to all such myth, not for anyone else but for the best upbringing of your little ones. Always remember, children require attention and quality time from both the parents for their proper upbringing.

As we all know that men are not too efficient in multi-tasking, they need to think around to spend time with their kids. Most of the times they are busy with their profession (and it’s quite obvious as well), so the key should be to focus on spending quality daddy time with the kids, rather than quantity. Qualitative investment of time is going to be the essence of successful parenting in this busy world. While the child is at the toddler stage, it is the time when his or her brain sucks up everything like a sponge, thus make every effort to spend quality time . The basic habits, nature, and structure of one’s character are formed at this stage. This is where the role of the father becomes crucial. It has been seen in various research studies around the world that children who are deprived of the care of the fathers grow up to be insecure, shy, and sometimes rude. The influence of the father is important for every child and vice versa. Having the required time and support from daddy will not just raise the self-esteem of the child, but will help the father in the same way too. I am sure no father would want to regret for his absence in his child’s world at the time when it was truly necessary! Isn’t it? There have been studies that show that children who are privileged to get quality time with dads during the first two years show less signs of uncontrolled and unwanted behavior later in their life. 

Being a great daddy starts with Being present… Being right there… showing up… getting involved and most importantly adjusting your attitude and getting down to the level of your child to give him that quality daddy time!

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