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Why we Celebrate Together - Indian Festivals

Why we Celebrate Together – Indian Festivals

A striking conversation between my kids –

Daughter – You know what? The Navaratri days are here and we’ve holidays

Son – What’s Navaratri?

Daughter – Don’t you know that it’s one of the Indian festivals ???

Son – One of the Indian festivals ? What’s that about?

Daughter – I think it’s about burning Ravana effigy with an arrow…don’t you remember dad showing us that at the stadium last year?

Son – Yeah!! And there was a “mela” too…we enjoyed rides…

And the conversation went on for some more time. Now, what’s so striking about it is that the kids should be made aware of the significance of festivals in India and traditions followed therein. I’ve lived and rose in different states of India and witnessed diverse cultures. I’m not only familiar of the religious festivals, their Indian celebrations but also have fair understanding of the ethnicity. Honestly dearies, I’m proud of our vibrant cultures and traditions. Where else would you find Pongal, Makar Sankranti, Lohri and Bihu celebrated for the same reason – festival of harvest!!

Think of it ladies, many of us have migrated from various parts of the country for reasons like better job opportunities, spouse, parents transfer etc. The onus rests on us to pass it on to our children. The responsibility is bigger because the land where we reside now may not follow the same rituals and thus kids are likely to be confused. We may not be required doing exactly the same tasks that our parents/in-laws did during the festivities. It can be as simple as explaining your kids of the festival in simpler language. I can jot down few tips for you to begin with and hope you agree with me on them! 🙂

  1. Clean and shine – The moment you start cleaning your nest meticulously, your kids are going to witness the enthusiasm in the air!
  2. Make a list – Yeah! This is basic. If your child is young enough to write then please sit with him/her and make an inventory list of Pooja items. Sure something of it will be registered in the juniors mind.
  3. Platter on my plate – One of the reasons I love festivals in India is for the numerous varieties of sweets, namkeens and dishes I get to eat. Of course, I don’t make them otherwise. I’m sure you can’t agree more on this. We all have a fixed menu of festivals that we prepare every year. My kids know that “Modaks” are for Ganesh Chaturthi,“Guajia” for Holi and “Chakali” is during Diwali.
  4. Shop and retail therapy – I got your attention now, didn’t I? Yes dearies, we love to get dressed and so do our kids. So, it’s always a happy time when you all shop together for clothes, shoes or accessories for the festive season. The memories of which will linger on for long.
  5. Pooja and rituals – Ask your kids to help you during pooja time. It can be as simple as Rangoli or arranging flowers or sprinkle the room fresheners. My kids love doing up their room and invite friends home so that their favorite cooked dishes can be offered to their friends. Instead of forcing them to tag you while you go to temple, make it sound like you need their help to carry thali or water or flowers etc and their helpful gesture will really make you ecstatic.
  6. Friends and family – Take your kids with you to visit your extended family or friends to wish them during the festivals. This would only add up to their fun time. Aha! Don’t you remember your visits with your parents?
  7. Share and care – Always be grateful because you have the privilege to celebrate the festivities with your loved ones. Teach this basic and important knowledge to your kids. And, do share your joy with the ones who are less fortunate. You need not pay a visit to the NGOs. We buy crackers and give them to the kids standing near the signals. A sense of compassion is being practiced. Involve your kids in this so that they appreciate what they have and not whine for something they do not for they comprehend a lot better than we assume.

Dearies, understand the thumb rule here. Our kids observe and grasp a lot better than we think. After all, we have learnt many things simply by observing our parents/grandparents. Whatever your cultures or rituals are, you certainly want your kids to be appreciative of it isn’t it? I draw “rangoli” in front of my home every morning and play Suprabhatam/Vishnu Sahastranam. Did anyone ask me to do so? Of course not, but I know my mom did this. I simply grasped. For all I know, my kids are going to remember this once they fly away and would want to follow it too. Let’s not force them to blindly light the lamp in pooja room every evening. You do that every day and sure they are watching you do. It’s as simple as that!!

Ladies, involve your little ones during the festivities for however small they can do. For you are helping them learn about the importance of festivals and make memories! Just the way you have and wouldn’t want to come back from that lane! 🙂

Categories: Customs & Traditions,Festivals

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